Sunday, 30 September 2012

My meaning of Marketing

Students and novice marketers often give a definition of marketing as of a science and art of customer satisfaction. Give customers what they want and make money! We are eventually said much about firms that get success because of being able to satisfy capricious consumers wishes. However, one should not forget pricing: the price definitely should be with nines, and 999.99 is just an ideal. Do not forget about advertising as a dirty, ugly puffing trickery, persuading customers to buy a TV set only because of a presence of hidden or explicit sexual allusions. And there must be something about distribution. Nevertheless, distribution is difficult - there are formulas and calculations, while become a marketer often means no maths at University!
That's all what one can find almost everywhere in marketing textbooks around the world. Of course, one may wonder why owners and tops have long been interested in the question of what performance is associated with marketing and why the performance sometimes seems much lower than expected. Why so few CEOs are from marketing divisions? When companies get success - it was because of marketing or just of growing with the market?
In response, you can certainly make some sophisticated calculation for new indicators that are intended to give quantitative and measurable objective evaluation criteria, and subsequently make a judgement where the result is positive, and where - is negative.
However, the ultimate goal is to understand, not to evaluate per se. Balanced Scorecards of marketing, which has become so popular recently stand for a good example. Based on the scorecards where from, at the same time, could we know that our marketing is aimed at things the organisation needs? Or that it is correctly designed as a whole, with proper goals and objectives, so finely tracked by Balanced Scorecard? Remember, "marketing - it's about customer satisfaction." What if the customer is very expensive to be serviced? What if satisfying certain needs are immoral, not to mention it might be illegal? Should we try anyway? Nonsense! Marketing suffers much from the misunderstanding by most marketers, whence follows an incorrect and inappropriate use of its recipes, which in turn leads to low efficiency.
My understanding of the role of marketing in the organization is simple: marketing is aimed at achieving the organization's goals in regard to its interaction in the market. Depending on how important this market activity is we can identify its significance, the circle of responsibility, and resources that are available and needed to carry out its tasks.
This blog is dedicated to the role and importance of marketing for the success of business and competitiveness of enterprises. It is intended to be about marketing and its importance to the organization and the economy as a whole, as well as for society. Without myths, inflated promises and empty criticism. I stand for a meaningful marketing with a common sense, for reason and realism in marketing!